Simply beautiful...

Simply beautiful...

Monday, July 12, 2010

A Quick Update in Pictures

The countdown to our move to Oregon is definitely ON! Our calendar is quickly filling up in order to create some intentional "lasts", so I wanted to as least give a glimpse through pictures what we've been up to. Two weeks ago, my parents were able to bless us with a week long visit! Knowing it was a "last" to have them in our home in San Diego was rather emotional for me after the fact...
From the minute we picked them up from the airport, Mimi and Pappy were ready to shower Harper with love and attention all week!
Harper took all of about 5 seconds to get snuggled up to Pappy. Over the week, we noticed Harper's affinity for Pappy - I think it might have something to do with the fact that he's a "big kid" himself :)
Harper has always loved to stop and smell the roses... on this stop she smelled about 25 varieties.
We took Mimi and Pappy to the San Diego zoo. We can never tell who enjoys it more... Harper or Pappy?
Mimi and Pappy spoiled us by giving us the gift of attending our church marriage retreat in Palm Springs for the weekend. We were able to completely relax and enjoy each other, knowing Harper was in such good hands. Thank you Mimi and Pappy!
When we returned, we could see clearly that Harper has a special relationship and bond with her Mimi and Pappy. Jeremy and I look fondly at these pictures, knowing that our kids will be growing their grandparent relationships so much deeper once we move.
Over the weekend, Harper and Mimi found a NEW way to use her grocery cart...
I told Harper to get ready to go to the park... when I found her waiting by the door, I was laughing out loud. You see, Harper loves necklaces... but hasn't quite figured out that mommy's undies aren't exactly that... No - she did not go to the park like this!
The 4th of July was monumental for Harper! It marked the first day, as a toddler, that she allowed mommy to do her hair AT ALL... I managed to put in pigtails! I do admit... there were a few tears on her part as I tried to keep them in for the day.
Since Monday was a holiday... our dear friends, Adam and Rhiannon, invited us over for some pool time and a yummy dinner. Harper and Jeremy shared a few good laughs as we re-acclimated her to the water.
Daddy loves to throw her high into the air... Harps got a bit wet on this landing.
Our friend Adam and their son, Carter. Carter is one of Harper's best friends and... in the running for future husband someday!
Our picky little eater. Mommy is having to become A LOT more creative on certain days... here she's eating a breakfast panini.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great pictures Audi - thank you for sharing.
    It's wonderful to see your parents - they look great!
    - Anna

  3. Love the "necklace"!

  4. This is wonderful! thank you so much for the update and a chance to see what is happening in your family since your wedding. We are so very happy for you and your beautiful family..... your daughter is precious and beautiful! congrats cousins... and blessings of joy and love. :)
    cousin Kathy and Bill
