Perhaps it's pointless to try to catch up on this blog. This will be my last catch up attempt from an overwhelming fall season and now Christmas season.
Just before Thanksgiving, our family was able to join Jeremy on one of his consecutive weeks spent in San Diego in October/November.
The point was not for our family to have a vacation. It was one of those trips where sleeping in the same bed feels like the greatest blessing EVER. And seeing sweet friends was a complete bonus ;)
While Jeremy was busy, the kids and I had a blast driving all around San Diego to see friends. I feel like I'm always trying to jam so much in when I'm down there, sometimes I (much too late) realize it is to my own detriment. This time because Bentley can't quite go multiple days without napping and I was trying to see if he could swing it... Nope. Not yet.
(our view for the week)
I am deeply thankful for the dear friends we have down there. That they've stood the test of time - 2+ years since we moved away. And these dear friends still change their schedules around, invite us into their chaos and gladly join ours. There were a few I missed seeing so... I'm sorry to those of you with whom it didn't work out this time. Next time! You are all dear to my (our) hearts.
We got to spend the day at the zoo with my dear friend Rhiannon and Harper's love, Carter. We loved doing the same routine Rhi and I did when Harper and Carter were just tiny - plus one of course ;)
Cutie pies!
Getting their zoo faces on.
All Harper wanted to see that day were the polar bears. Who knew?
I was able to get quite a bit of running in while down there since we were staying in Mission Bay and there are boardwalks galore there. One evening, I decided a run was a must. I was breath-taken by the sunset, so the kids and I stopped to watch it set over the ocean.
Josiah, Micah, Bentley and Harper decided to start a band! We had so much fun playing with them.
The sunrises were beautiful every morning and we were up for each one of them ;)
We did get a play date at the park on Sail Bay with Tatum and her sweet, sweet girls... but of course I didn't get a picture of them! I also got to share a glass of wine with Tatum later... loved that.
The kids and I were also blessed to spend almost a full day with Rhiannon, Carter and her twins Noelle (above) and Caleb. Their family is beautiful chaos with their addition of one year old twins since we moved away... and I adore every bit of it. Adam travels a bit too, so I knew that company is what Rhi needed ;) Rhi and I kept the kids busy, were able to catch up on much needed conversation and even managed including dinner before we had to go. That was a sweet day to me.
The kids and I were also able to head up to Dana Point in Orange County to see Auntie Jordan and Rocco. We went for a long walk to the park. Harper was talking about it for days.
Harper was even able to hold the leash for a minute... Which equalled total heaven for her. If I get asked one question the most, it is: "Mom, can I get a puppy? I really need a pup."
We mustered all of our might to make a dinner happen so we could see the Heinrich's family and the Lehman family. Tatum had to work, so Eric braved it alone with his two littles. It was the purest form of chaos to try to get the kids to eat and play when it was way past Karis's bedtime and nearing the others. Nonetheless, we loved being able to see them all (adults and children)!
Our last day in SD, our family slowed it down A LITTLE. We spent the day just us. But we managed a few adrenaline rushes. Bentley adores carousels.
We found the BIGGEST ice cream cones known to mankind!
And Harper and Dada rode the Tilt-d-Whirl! Yes, our girl is a seeker of thrills. She is fearless! She screamed in pure delight for about half of it... then Jeremy and I both worried she'd either throw up or burst into tears by the look on her face. She made it through, with no accident of any sort.
The kids watched as the Susan G. Koman Race for the Cure headed down the boardwalk... yes, kids. There are many strange sights to be had during this event.
We spent our last evening down on the beach. It was stunning.
It took them a moment to warm up...
... Especially after a surprise attack wave...
But eventually they were in fully and loved every single second of it! The ocean is SO much warmer in SD than in Oregon. I loved this memorable evening with our little snuggle bugs!