Simply beautiful...

Simply beautiful...

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sibling Love

I just got this short little video while on our recent vacation to Maui.

This one minute clip gives a little glimpse into the sweet, sweet relationship and bond Harper and Bentley have right now as brother and sister.  I feel cheesy saying so, but Jeremy and I have countless moments where we just look at each other in awe over how much these two enjoy and adore each other.

Right now Harper's in the phase of asking me if she can marry Bentley some day.  And anytime Harper is absent, Bentley's crying for his sister.  It's truthful to say they are best friends.

On a funny side note, we've been getting the question almost regularly about whether these two are twins... they are 21 months apart, but the same weight and almost the same height.  Jeremy and I agree with the strangers who ask: they do look like twins!  I don't have a clue as to what typical twins act like... but if I were to imagine or guess, the bond would look something like Harper and Bentley.

Of course, they have their typical sibling spats over who gets the blue fork or who gets a turn first.  But right now their bond is beyond precious.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

One Exciting Week

This past week, we finally made our move to San Diego. It was one crazy whirlwind.

Jeremy & his dad drove one of our cars down. The kids and I stayed w/ my parents a few days (to wait while my car was shipped down). I think I had a constant headache for three days due to too much crying and emotion. The leaving is ALWAYS the most brutal side of a move as far as the tears and sad good-byes are concerned.

The kids were flying rockstars (it was also a very short flight;). And we were all ready to see Jeremy when he picked us up at the airport.

Since we landed, we've enjoyed seeing amazing friends, playing at the beach, REAL Mexican food and getting back on the exercising track.

We've also experienced emotional exhaustion. Sunday found both Jeremy and I virtually lifeless. I told Jeremy, for so long my eyes were just so focused on getting on that airplane and making it down here with the kids. I put very little thought into the days in San Diego following. I'm trying to give myself some grace to come out of the haze of the last few months. Then we'll figure out what this new life stage looks like.

One of my favorite moments thus far, came after playing all afternoon in the Heinrich's kiddy-pool. I had to run to Costco on our way home. About 5 minutes into our shopping adventure, Bentley was falling asleep sitting up in the cart!!! The picture I got is worth a thousand words. Bentley continued through the store hunched over on my arm while I pushed the cart. I DID get many strange looks ;) He remained completely lifeless through me taking him out of the cart to check out, my putting him into his carseat and all the way home! He was wiped!

Perhaps the MOST exciting news this week is that I CAN feel our baby in my tummy!!! At just 16weeks! I just love that. The whole thing gets that much more real. Yesterday at my baby appointment the Dr couldn't find the baby's heartbeat for the longest time. When she finally did, I think the baby literally did a flip for her, as if to say here I am, because she said she could see the baby move! That's kinda crazy so early on!! Jeremy hasn't yet due to timing of our little one moving around... This morning I told him "quick! Put your hand right here", but the baby decided to snooze instead. Soon lovie ;)