I am finally up in Oregon after a long week of packing, awaiting my husband's arrival at my parents' house, as he and his dad are driving our cars up from San Diego. I wish I could reflect more on the past few weeks, but feel too emotionally drained to write anything that's too deep from the heart right now... so I decided to just share some pictures that hightlight some sweet moments. I'm sad to say that we don't have many pictures with our friends as I broke our camera while I was at SeaWorld having a "mommy & Harper day"... we have those memories in our hearts though!
Dada and Harper sharing a "good night" book session. Sweet times... as we savor having just one kid for a bit longer.
We were so excited to celebrate our friends Eric and Katey Yates getting married in July. Their wedding was so much fun and she couldn't have been more gorgeous!
Kara, Jordan and I waiting to take in the ceremony and see our handsome guys! These girls have meant so much to me - I love you ladies!
Me and my love! I'm so blessed to live life with this man...
Eric getting in some snuggle time with Harper and Annika in the early morning after the wedding fesivities. The Jung's have been constants for us and we are so thankful for friends we can just be with... We love you guys!
Rhiannon, Carter, Harper and I at SeaWorld... You two are so dear to Harper and my hearts... I will cherish all the memories we shared with our kiddos!
It's our Harper-bug... taking a picture at the San Diego zoo. Jeremy has called her that since day 1 so it seemed appropriate.
Jeremy and I intentionally spent a Saturday just taking Harper in... We took her to our favorite breakfast spot - the Cantina. As we ate, we remenisced our favorite memories with her... bringing her into our bed in the early am when she was an infant, the countless moments we saw her budding personality as she got older, taking her on all her crazy 1st year trips (Oregon, Utah, Hawaii, all over Europe, etc.), taking her to the pumpin patch in Julienne, daddy playing chase with her constantly, all her snuggle times... we could go on and on.
The same day we spent time with Harper, we shared our first family popcorn eating session... Harper loves it and it's these simple moments that I live for.
Like our family day, I took my last "free day" in San Diego to spend time with just Harper. We went to SeaWorld for the day and had a blast. We saw all the animals that she loves, shared lunch together, jumped around the "tumble area" in the Elmo section, played in the sand pit, got to give Bert and Ernie high-fives and get her picture taken with Elmo! It was the perfect day with my girl.
Here is Harper spotting the polar bear... she even growled when she saw him!
Harper and I spent a special morning at the park celebrating her friend Carter turning 2! We did it in style with a sprinkle doughnut for the birthday boy, coffees for the mom's and his "Buzz lightyear" themed presents ;)
Carter, happily eating his doughnut, and his sweet mommy and my friend Rhiannon. We love this memory with you two!
Carter said a "special" thank you to Harper for his gifts... I LOVE this picture, while Jeremy can't quite bring himself to looking at it (signs of the future?).
Harper had her last day of swimming lessons right before our big move. Mimi, Auntie Kara and Dada all got to watch her skills in the water... then we all went to breakfast downtown... a great morning!
While our house was turned completely upside-down with the move... Mimi was a genius and set up Harper's little splash pool on the porch so she could have some fun, yet still be near us while we worked. Thank you Mimi and Auntie Kara for ALL that you did for our family during the move... we truely could have NEVER done it without your hard work, love and support!
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