Simply beautiful...

Simply beautiful...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Precious Baby Boys...

It's 7am and the house is quiet. I am wrapped in a blanket and reading a blog. Bentley is wrapped up too and sleeping in his bouncy seat next to my chair. He is so beautiful and peacefully looking when he sleeps. I don't think there are many things more pure in life than watching a little baby sleep... I am struck by God's precious gift to us through Jesus when I look at our baby son. Recently, I have known or heard of several families who have had great heartbreak in regards to their own babies. As a mom, my heart aches and breaks for parents like this because I can't comprehend it.

I just read a blog that I have recently been following. I don't know this family... the blog was sent to me by a friend, but I cry most everytime I read it. I cry because my heart aches for this family, especially after just having our own newborn son. Their 2 week old son, Samuel, is struggling to hang on to life as the parents are praying like neverbefore and sharing their faith with others. No one would ever dream of this situation for their child, but I hope that I would handle it like them... with an unending trust in God and His goodness. Please read about the Parkins family and pray for them.

Reading about Samuel and remembering all the recent pains of my friends, reminds me that Christ experienced the same heartbreak. He watched his son, Jesus, suffer and die in the most brutal way... and He did it willingly... for us.

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