Simply beautiful...

Simply beautiful...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Me & My Little Man

I love having a little boy...

For some reason, I expected to feel differently about having a son... less sappy perhaps. Nope. That's not how it is for me. I am head-over-heels in love with my sweet Bentley AND am just as emotional and sappy as I was with Harper. A little bit more of a veteran parent, I will say, but definitely every bit as sentimental. On the realistic side, it's harder to take everything in the same way you did with the first baby, because life is just moving so fast now that there is two. But time still stops when I am rocking my sleeping boy to bed or I hear his "I need you mommy" cry.
Bentley is the sweetest boy in the world. He is smiley, laid back, loves to cuddle... and he has been a great sleeper too. How else do you spell "perfect baby"? Even within the past month, we've seen more and more of his personality come out. He loves being tickled and loves bouncing on our exercise ball; he CAN have a ferocious side (mean mr. frog on his jumper brings that out in him); he loves watching all the family action but can't wait till he can crawl; and he already is pals with his dada... especially since those are the first sounds out of his mouth so far: "da-da". One thing I'm curious how it will play out is that he either shows a semi-shy or flirtatious part of his personality when people give him attention: he smiles SO big, then buries his face into my shoulder... then looks back for more. It is way too cute!
Bentley is absolutely his own person, but these little, sleepy, round face pictures remind me how much he and Harper look alike at this age...
I just can't stop kissing his little, round cheeks!
Bentley with his "Michael Jordan" tongue.

He generally will suck on whatever fingers hit his mouth first, but these are proving to be the favorite over the thumb.
Once again...

My smiley little man...
I think we are seriously starting to teeth, but no teeth yet!
I love being your mama, sweet baby boy! You have stolen my heart and there is no one like you... I love you!

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