Simply beautiful...

Simply beautiful...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Easy Entertainment!

Sometimes the simplest things produce the BEST entertainment. For example, stacking pens and trying to blow them over...
Harper taking a deep breath in...
She's starting to blow the pens over... she crossed her eyes each time and it NEVER got old ;)
She's about to blow them over... They would fall down and we would repeat this over and over. Jeremy and I were cracking up over her facial expressions.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Time With our Kids is Flying by

I can't believe how fast summer is going by... it has been full of activity, sunshine and wonderful people. I haven't been by my computer near as much to update on the kiddos or write about nutritionally related topics. But it's summertime and I've been ok with that.
Tonight is a favorite amongst the busyness. Jeremy is with friends for the evening and the kids are sleeping. Sweet, sweet silence. I am grateful for these moments to reflect.
Bentley and Harper are growing up so fast. Over the summer, Harper has turned into a little lady and Bentley seems more like a little boy than a baby everyday. I have been reminded over and over again just how precious children are and what an honor it is to be a parent.
Recently, I have been encouraged to take joy in every moment I share with my children... regardless if that is laughing and playing with them, or whether it is comforting and disciplining them. The time goes by much too quickly and before Jeremy and I know it, we will be sending them off to school... and then off on their own. I am being mindful, but not worried, of the fact that this period of time is precious, because right now we are the sole influence on our children. This is our opportunity to shape and mold in them the character and heart foundation that we want them to build their lives on. It's serious... but God is good, and is strengthening us to have a calm focus on this time with them.

Recently, we were having some discipline "issues" with Harper. I was encouraged by my friend Kara, to pray with Harper each morning about her attitude for that day. I also took the opportunity to have Harper start memorizing Bible verses. We didn't start with the "typical" children's verse you may think of... I was strategic ;) Harper now has memorized (with the help of some signing cues) Matthew 19:19, which says, "Honor your father and mother, and love your neighbor as yourself".

This time with Harper and Bentley is everything: wonderful, stretching, precious, maddening, fun, challenging, redeeming, cry-your-eyes-out tiring, beautiful and the most important job Jeremy and I will ever encounter... and we are so thankful.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Read your Labels People... Seriously

Please take a moment to watch this interesting video on the deception of what is actually in some of the foods we eat. This particular video is about how many companies advertise blueberries being a key ingredient in their product, when often we aren't even getting real blueberries... we are getting chemicals and sugar instead. I have come to really appreciate the food investigator who put it together: Mike Adams, the "Health Ranger". I came across his site through a family member of mine and I'm grateful I did.

Through my dietetic training in school, I have learned about and firmly believe in the value of reading food labels. You CAN NOT simple trust what a package is selling and promoting on the front label. You must turn the package over to the ingredients list and read what it honestly contains. Remember an important tip when reading... the ingredients are listed in descending order. Which means the first ingredient constitutes the most amount used in the product; the last ingredient constitutes the least amount used in the product. If you don't already, I hope this video will push you to read your labels, make smarter purchases, and eat real food.

Blueberries faked in cereals, muffins, bagels and other food products - Food Investigations -

Friday, August 12, 2011

Happy Birthday and Return of the Tiger

This video is a little long... I apologize. But we managed to capture why 2 year olds can actually have moments of being a total blast! Harper has been obsessed with singing "Happy Birthday" to herself ever since her 2nd birthday. I can't count how many times we've sung that song. Maybe we shouldn't be feeding her ego... but it has lead to many smiles and lots of laughter. These are the moments that feel like tiny rewards as parents, because there is so much joy in sharing laughter and in watching your child's personality bloom.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Funny Sayings to Remember

Harper, you are such a blast for your mom and dad! Two and a half has proven to have MANY challenges (I won't write about that here)... but it has also been the phase where you have said some of the funniest things to come out of your mouth yet! Here's a few from the recent weeks that I want you to be able to look back on:
  • We were in our backyard picking strawberries. You were asking me if there were any more to get and I said no... you quickly replied with deep disappointment, "oh bummer! Bummer!"
  • Your new way to express that you care about someone when they get hurt completely cracks me up. I don't recall saying it myself, but you picked it up somewhere. I stubbed my toe and said "ouch", which you replied by saying ever-so-motherly, "I'm soooorry honeeeey".
  • You love the movie Cars (thanks Josiah!) and one evening while daddy was getting you ready for bed, you decided that he should have a split personality and be Mater whenever you want some extra entertainment. Daddy was having a normal conversation and you said, "Hey Mater?" Daddy is the best and answered back in Mater's twang sort of voice... and now you always look to hear your favorite line, "my name is Mater, like ta-mater but without the 'ta". Now you've also included me to sometimes have to impersonate Mater!
  • I THINK your dad and I made a mistake by teaching you a song in the shower... (somehow) we didn't quite realize it would stick. You love taking "big girl showers" instead of a bath sometimes. We were trying to get you to learn how to wash your body yourself. Every veteran parent knows that you do this with a toddler through a song of some sort. Don't ask me why but we decided to sing" shake, shake, shake... shake, shake, shake... shake your booty, shake your booty"; (I'm hanging my head in disbelief) Because yes, you now sing this song every time you wash up!
  • I gave you edemame with your dinner and I was trying to get you to say it. You tried a few times and then were convinced it was pronounced "a-mommy".
  • You love to be playing outside when we are gardening. Today when we were about to head outside, you ran into your playroom to your "dress-up" box. You came running out with your kitty mittens on saying, "I help gardening!" We laughed with the cuteness of your resourcefulness.
We love you Harper bug. These are the little, everyday things that we don't want to forget about your wonderful 2.5 year old personality!