Right now I am so very thankful for Bentley. Even though he has been challenging his mama a lot over the past couple of weeks, he has not ceased to bring gratitude and smiles to our family.
Last November, we began sharing what we are thankful for every evening as we sat around the dinner table. It was precious to hear what came to the kids minds each night. Family members, friends, parks, the weather, emotions, etc. Jeremy and I were especially surprised how Bentley easily caught on and came up with original ideas of what he was thankful for (he had just turned 2).
Well, it's almost April and sweet Bentley has single-handedly carried on our thankful tradition for almost 5 months. And he's expanded it from just dinner time to just about ANYTIME the four of us gather together.
It often comes from out of the blue. He always says it in the most adorable way: he dips his head to one side and bobbles his head a little as he asks, "mama, what are you thankful for, mama?" Once we give our answer, he always follows it with a surprised look like we just came up with the best thankful answer ever, then he shouts "yay!" and claps his hands for us. Then he moves around the table...
"Harper, what are you thankful for, Harper?"
"Dada, what are you thankful for, Dada?"
(Everyone's name is repeated twice every time which lends itself to extra cuteness ;)
Most times when we ask Bentley what he's thankful for, he puts his finger to his chin, taps it a couple times and says, "hmm..." as if to reinforce there are so many things to choose from and he wants to pick the exact one to which he's most thankful for at that moment. Bentley's answer lately has often been that he's thankful for horsies, as the kids love spotting them on the way to Mimi & Baba's house.
I am so thankful for the joy this initiation from my boy brings... Every time he asks me... in my heart, I thank God for my little boy who loves to remind all of us to be thankful... Don't we all need that reminder in our life?
Bentley, you are a gift from God to our family... Your heart sparkles with the love of Jesus. You teach your parents so much and you're only 2... I love being your mama. I am so THANKFUL.
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