Simply beautiful...

Simply beautiful...

Friday, October 21, 2011

An Evening with the Meshots

While in San Diego, we got to spend quite a bit of time with our dear friends Adam, Rhiannon and their son Carter. We feel so blessed to call them some of our closest friends. It's rare to find husbands, wives, and kids who all get along so well individually and collectively. I know I can say that I didn't get enough Rhiannon time during the month (when is it really enough?), but understandably so! They are expecting twins (sweet Caleb and Noelle!) in December and Rhi was put on bed rest while we were in town. Nonetheless, we were able to create some great memories... and snap a few fun pictures!
Harper and Carter indulging my picture-taking requests... These two have had a very special and unique bond since they met when they were tiny. They talk about each other all the time, even though we've been moved away for over a year!
I'm not exactly sure how... but we always manage to get the most amazing pictures of them giving each other kisses. Rhi and I joke that they act like a married couple ;)
Just for the record - Jeremy hates this picture since it does appear that Harper is fully embracing Carter... ;)
Me and my girl... Yes, this tiny, little thing is carrying TWO babies - you are amazing Rhi!
Just had to get a picture of my little guy in here. He loved tagging along with Harper and Carter - although they sometimes wanted their 3-year old space.
Another amazing smooch caught on camera!
He's running away now... but just wait... someday that will change... it always does ;)
Yes, this picture IS what it appears to be. Adam cooks and bakes! Amazingly, I might add. He made us some of the best homemade chocolate chip cookies I have ever tasted (not exaggerating... he has a secret I think)!
The kids testing out the finished product...
It's GOOD!!!
We love you Meshot family. We cherished this evening in your home... especially since the next time we do it again, the kiddo count will almost have doubled ;) We can't wait to celebrate your growing family with you and we are so thankful for your honest friendship with our family.

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